Facts about Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data

What is Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of things (IoT) can be defined as any devices with switches (on/off) to the internet. Devices which have on/off switches includes cellphones, laptop, desktop, tablets, smartphones, washing machines, TV, wearable device and so on. According to analyst firm Gartner, there will be increase of devices which range over 26 billion connected devices by 2020. It is a giant network that connect all the “things” together.
Sources: Forbes.

How does IoT impact an individual in daily life?

Smartphones could be consider as one of IoT that most individual would own in this era. Most individual would tend to rely on smartphones to solve their issues in daily life. For example, when you are en route to your friend’s house and you are unfamiliar with the location, you will tend to take out your smartphone and use Google Map to navigate to your friend house. Another example would be, when you are late to meeting and Google will send a text to notify there is a congestion at this particular expressway and at the same time notify you boss that you will late for the meeting. These devices sub-consciously enter into an individual life without knowing that we are depending on IoT.

Have you ever thought that all the data might be hacked by someone else? IoT posses threat to the user whereby important data might leak out and misuse. It might escalate even quickly when happens in the organizations. Some of the documents are classified leaked out and the result might be catastrophic. Thus, it is important to ensure safe keeping of documents or devices within IoT.

Organization also face a impact of how to store the data that is being produce by IoT. The number of data from IoT are enormous and might be useful for organization to store track and analyse. The problem currently we are facing is lack of storage to store the data being produce by devices. Thus, companies need to discover viable solution to solve the issues.

According to statistics, there are thousands and thousands of data being uploaded and shared. How do we make a data become a useful data ? This will further elaborate later at Big Data.

Sources from visual capitalist.com

What is big data?

Big data is the large amount of information which is diverse grow at a rapid rates. It consist of three different type of concept which is velocity, speed and volume of how the data being created and collected through various data points being covered. It often comes in different sources and formats. Big data can be structured which being manage by the organization in spreadsheets or database. Most of them come in number form, while unstructured big data is unorganized and it does not have particular format. Information can be gathered to help schools gather information on customer needs.
Sources: Investopedia

How to better understand Big Data ?

Big data is the raw form of data and it does not have any meaning to it if not being group or analyse. Big data help most of organization to understand better and act as a platform to measure their effectiveness of a business operative. Data also providing more opportunities to organization to analyse on their current strategy they use in the market. Below are some of the ways to understand better of Big Data. (Big Data LDN 2017)

Doug Laney break down big data into 3 V’s to have better understand big data. The 3Vs as listed below:

Doug Laney 3 Key concept of big data

(a) Volume – There are large volume of data circulate within the organization from day to day. According to the data, there are 2 billion searches been done in a day of its 2.5 trillion posts. Most of the time people are doing more searches on businesses, people and things they are concern. Thus, most of the organizations capture vast amount of data.

(b) Variety – Files come in different types of format due to different of encryption. It is unstructured and it may come in different formats. It does not easily fit into database application and spreadsheets. Once the database file have identify the different types of files, it presented into unconventional form which is video, text, pdf and graphics on social media. It is extremely useful for us and it does give value added to us and it requires time to do analytical as well on the data in order for the data to work.

(c) Velocity – The speed of how much data is coming in. Some data come in real time, where others come in fits and start to sent in batches. Various platform experience different speed of incoming of data. It is incorrect to make assumptions, discount or generalize data without the facts and figures.

Sources: bigdataLDN intelligence

In conclusion, these are some of Internet of Things (IoT) and understanding of how big data can be measure. If you have any other concept or ideas about Internet of Things or Big Data, feel free to share with me at the comment section below !

3 thoughts on “Facts about Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data

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  1. It is definite that IoT have seemlessly pertruded into each everyone of our lifestyle and became our habit to rely on gadgets.

    Exactly the same as what you have mentioned LACK OF DATA STORAGE space is the killer smart gadgets!

    Especially users whom stores games (e.g mobile legend), work files (e.g PowerPoint presentation file, PDFs) and the no.1 killer are picture/video storage.

    This post have given me great insights of the sort, source and problem of the IoT, mainly the application of ‘Doug Laney 3 Key Concept of Big Data’ with great details that have wow me about the intelligence of Big Data.


  2. On hacking issue, steps would have to be taken to enforce what type of data should be secured, collected and shared. Anything can be done on the internet and if the hacker can find loopholes in the coding of the Big Data, information can be stolen and wiped out. Hence security must be taken seriously!


  3. Thank you for your post! Don’t you agree that IoT have made huge convenience to our lives? Things like google home, chromecast etc, we don’t even need to move ourselves to connect devices! Everything just happens in a click. Definitely a good device for people like me. HAHAHAH But i do agree that there can be cons to having such devices. With technologies these days, everything is just so well connected. Thank you for the great insights!


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