Roses are red FACEBOOK is Blue No Mutual Friend Who the Hell are You ?

Internet is a wonderful place where you can get access for millions and millions of information. All thanks to Tim Berners - Lee. As the saying says, every situation have two sides of coin. In recent years, the behavior of using internet have been drifted. You might wonder how your mutual friend who go to... Continue Reading →

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How to create a successful Integrated Marketing Campaign? (IMC)

What is IMC ? IMC is an approach that accomplish of a marketing campaign, numerous promotional methods are being use in order to support each other. American Association of Advertising Agencies has defined that integrated marketing communication by having a significance exhaustive plan that assess the strategic roles of using different communication channels, public relations,... Continue Reading →

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Firms should married SEO and PPC?

What is SEO? SEO is the practice of increase position of a company or product in search engines natural or organic results listings for selected keywords or phrases. It also help to drive more quality and quantity of the traffic to the website through organic search.source: SEO Steps to having successful SEOs Goals: Firms and... Continue Reading →

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Facts about Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data

What is Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of things (IoT) can be defined as any devices with switches (on/off) to the internet. Devices which have on/off switches includes cellphones, laptop, desktop, tablets, smartphones, washing machines, TV, wearable device and so on. According to analyst firm Gartner, there will be increase of devices which range over... Continue Reading →

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Mobile + Marketing = Mobile Marketing

What is Mobile Marketing ? Mobile marketing uses various types of distribution channels to promote their products or certain brands through mobile gadgets such as smartphones, tablets and computer. Mobile marketing can create more personalized promotions of products or services for users who connected through network. It allow customer or potential customer who uses smartphones... Continue Reading →

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How much do you know about viral marketing ?

What is Viral Marketing? Thousand and thousand of video being uploaded online and social media everyday. Videos are being shared thousand times with the speed of light. What exactly is viral marketing ? Do they do any harm to businesses ? Let's find out ! Viral marketing is businesses create a video content that talks... Continue Reading →

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Whether or not to have a Facebook Account ?

"Dude, do you have a Facebook account?" This is the common question that individual will ask during this era. Most individual think that if you do not own a Facebook account you are out of trend. Things have change over the years for Facebook. They have added various types of features and functions to compete... Continue Reading →

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