Whether or not to have a Facebook Account ?

“Dude, do you have a Facebook account?” This is the common question that individual will ask during this era. Most individual think that if you do not own a Facebook account you are out of trend.

Things have change over the years for Facebook. They have added various types of features and functions to compete with other social media platforms. They have added features such as Facebook live function whereby you are able to shoot yourself live online and public may view your live video on what you intend to share. Not only that, they also added a feature of Facebook Story which allow the user to take a short clip of themselves on what is happening real life.

Some people uses Facebook to earn tons of money by using it as e-commerce platforms, selling their cars, houses and so on. They make you of Facebook as their e-commerce platform as well as free marketing communication channel to reach out to their desired audience.

Certain individual would tend to abuse the use of Facebook by creating or hack into an individual account to commit crime as his identity is anonymous who appear behind the screen. This lead to numerous scams happen not just only Singapore but outside of Singapore as well. This also raise a concern among the authorities on how to curb this issue.

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Individual may also upload a certain videos on Facebook just to vent their anger or getting some opinion from viewers on the situation. Below are some of the examples of a video being uploaded by a GoJek driver who having a disputes with the customer over taking alternatives route to avoid ERP gantry during peak hour. As a result this, this video went viral and relevant authorities took action about it.

Have you ever wonder why the advertisement that ‘pop’ out on your Facebook web page are those product that closely related to your recent searches on the internet ?

If your answer is YES after reading the above question, you might want to take precaution on what you are posting on Facebook accounts ! This means that Facebook has been tracking your recent searches and match up with the desired business that try to advertise on the Facebook page. So that individual like you and me will click on to it and purchase it.

Thus, It is important that we need to take note of what we are posting on Facebook as it doesn’t have much privacy which individual may assume to be very safe.

In my opinion, it is good to have a Facebook account so that we are able to keep in touch and connect with out friends in the future as long as individual does not abuse it for self-benefit.

Thank you for reading my blog hope that you may share your opinion too on whether or not to have a Facebook account ! Feel free to comment at the comment section below.

One thought on “Whether or not to have a Facebook Account ?

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  1. Good read there! I agree that almost all of us has a facebook account. Facebook don’t just help us to connect with people around us, making video calls, it has also become a platform for me to find great deals or like places to visit with all the interesting posts! I do have circumstances where what i said was shown on the ads. Sometimes it’s just so creepy because it happens instantly!! Don’t you agree that it happens on other platforms other than facebook? Creepy.


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